First happy Monday to everyone!
What a great week and weekend. I couldn't be anymore pleased with how everything worked out. Thanksgiving turned to be pretty great despite my initial fears that I would sulk in my own sadness and misery for not being able to enjoy the company of family. While I was initially disappointed, I'm also very grateful for being able to spend it with two of the closest people we have here in Atlanta. I know kind of gay to give the what are you thankful for spill...but I realized that sometimes family is about the environment and warmth that you create around yourself...not always blood. Now, having been here for about 2 yrs now, I can finally say that I am started to accept the changes and the new people in my life. Sometimes, it's just about making the best of the situation and by allowing people to come into my life, I've realized how much better and enjoyable it is and has become. Yes, I am grateful for the new family that I formed here. I like the warmth and the reliability of them and I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of them just a little bit better. So yes, turkey day...not so bad after all.
Next on my list of things to address is progress, which all but seems to have stalled. I've been stuck for 3 weeks now and I'm ready to do better again and jump back at it. I think I have been avoiding the next step for way too long. I was just so mentally distraught after my last months of doing this. You ask what is 'this'? Well that is counting, tracking...calories that is. I was hoping to make it to 150lbs without having to do this but as it turns out I am going to need to track sooner than later if I want to see continued progress. Well, that's just the truth of the matter.
YES, I am aware that I cannot diet the way I would normally because I am still nursing and no worries...I really don't intend to. I do, however, intend to track what I am eating daily again and keep my calories at a sustainable amount for continued nursing, all the while still being able to make progress. Having said that, I intend to add 300-400 more calories a day to my targeted calorie range for weight loss. Today will be day 1 of tracking and there is much to be shopping and preparation. Time to get started folks... I mean why wait until New Years to do what you can do now?!
So just do it!!